One of my favorite things to do to connect with God, even when I’m not feeling very connectable, is to read a Psalm. So depending on what day of the month it is, that’s the Psalm number I’ll chose; for example, today is the 23rd…Ahh, Psalm 23, one of my favs. I’ll read it, then come back and re-read it and just meditate on it. Then I’ll put my current challenge, circumstance and even a victory in that Psalm.

Verse 1 says: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want…then I’ll add something I’m doing or wanting that I know I shouldn’t be, and I’ll write it, speak it and soon I’m believing it. I’ll go verse by verse and wow, what a perspective changer this is, friends.

So can I encourage you to try it; put yourself in His word, verse by verse, whatever it is you are facing you will realize you are not alone!

In His Word,



Trench ClassesUnited

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