It’s time for a little giggle with Thursday’s Trench truth where we pull truth from humor.

An atheist and his Christian friend were hanging out one day and the atheist complained to his friend, almost as if he were resentful. He said: “You Christians have your special holidays, such as Christmas and Easter. Jews celebrate their national holidays, such as Passover and Yom Kippur. But we atheists have no recognized national holidays. It’s unfair discrimination.”

His Christian friend replied matter-of-factly, “Why don’t you celebrate April first?”
Oh, my with the battle of good and evil going on right before our eyes, how can one not recognize the reality of the necessity of a Loving God, A Higher Power, a Sovereign Savior…yes, this is the time to check what you believe…without resentments.

For more encouragement, and even some more humor check out my YouTube channel at Evinda Lepins, take a tour at and be sure to read about our upcoming relationship class, a class for ALL relationships.



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