People over productivity
Show the world
and let them see
That what needs to be done
Will be done

But people
People are number one
People are what makes this world go round
People need to see your light abound

So don’t hide
and don’t strive
Soak it all up
This thing called life

Be in this moment
Because the future is bright
You have eternity on your side

The bigger picture
God’s grand plan
To be in HIs presence
Once again

So be
and let be

Let His Spirit seep
Deep into your bones
Let His power show

The power to be still
Amidst the storm as it blows
The power to know
That all that is happening is here to make you grow

So root deep
and grow tall
Let the leaves of your tree
Bear fruits of love, joy, and peace

Because people need
A tree that stands tall
And roots that go deep
To fully embrace His eternality




Trench ClassesUnited

Troubled relationships? Join the trenches and learn how to love who you love, spouse, sibling, parent, child, friend. Love better